But when picking out jewelry to be used for the initial piercing, materialswith high biocompatibility are the safest choice. Here are some of the most popular materialsused as initial jewelry and their properties. Jewelry today is available in thousands ofdifferent types, designs and materials, each with its own desirable qualities.Today, titanium jewelry is gaining popularity due to its wide range ofavailable colors and lightweight property. Niobium. Dubbed as the"industrial precious metal," stainless steel has become one of themost popular materials in jewelry. Though durable and highlybiocompatible, niobium has just begun to get popular in the jewelry industry. Titanium is also the hardest andhighest grade of metal that virtually does not require any addition of nickelmaking very hypoallergenic. But the rising consumer appreciation also gave way for the market toget flooded by products that are made from substandard materials which canthreaten not just the health of consumers but also give a dent to the growth ofthe business.Body piercing jewelry made of metal is themost recommended by professional piercers because non-metallic products likeplastic, resin China Super Durable Polyester Resin Manufacturers or wood tend to have porous structures that can harbor bacteriawhile the wound is still fresh.Rarely used in its pure form, niobium is alloyed with other metals to improvetheir characteristics and appearance. Surgical Stainless Steel. After the piercing is fully healed, customershave more freedom to choose the jewelry that they want though it is stillrecommended that they should be made of materials that have highbiocompatibility to prevent infections or allergic reactions. Hypoallergenic, durable and lustrous,stainless steel is also highly recommended because of its affordability. Having very highbiocompatibility, titanium has long been used for implants and bone braces.Minimizing risks should always be the mainpriority when it comes to body piercing. By knowing which jewelry materials give the best quality, bothretailers and customers can continue to benefit to the popularity of bodypiercing. Increasing popularity of body piercing and jewelryto diverse markets today should not become a surprise to many as the industryhas grown from being a self-expressing minority into a branch of mainstreameconomy. Gold. And the first step to safety ischoosing the right kind of jewelry, not just based on its style or design butmost importantly, the material it is made of. A very popular metal used in jewelry,18k gold is one of the safest materials to be used for initial jewelry becauseof its inert characteristic. Surgical Titanium. But using lower grade gold like 14k or 10k can berisky due to the other metals present in the alloy that can trigger allergicreactions