The process of portrait painting with the use of watercolor needs time, effort and patience of an artist.There are lots of mediums that are appropriate and ideal for any artworks especially the portrait painting. Thus, it is believed that watercolor paint is as old as Palaeolithic age in Europe because of the discovered paintings in some caves. Often, professional artists have to use these to create a unique and catchy kind of portrait painting.In the art industry, artistic techniques differ from one another. These are also associated by high-quality materials and artistic techniques that could create a very elegant masterpiece worthy to be treasured. But then, due to the fact that watercolor paints are versatile which can be mixed, there are also some painters who opt to create an abstract painting.In French, watercolor is called aquarelle paint wherein a water soluble color and pigments are dissolved in water. After the completion of the draft, it is the time that the artist will cover the outline of the subject by using a watercolor paint. If you want to avail your own watercolor portrait painting, feel free to browse for the website that offers such service. Resin for TGIC Cure for sale One of the most popular media in portrait painting is the watercolor paint.It is also practiced to use numerous coats of paint that make the finished portrait realistic and lively.As of now, a lot of watercolor paintings are presently found in some traditional art galleries and even in museums. Some artists prefer to paint a real image like a human face, nature and animals. A plain watercolor paint is indeed appealing to the eyes but the sense of natural image may not be that visible.It is necessary to draw the detail and the outline of the subject with the use of painting(putting a direct watercolor paint will likely be useless).Watercolor portrait painting is one of the oldest forms of art. So, with the additional of excellent coating, the portrait will be both appealing that renders a look of reality with the essence of life and beauty. An artist has to be careful and patient to create a quality and lovely painting. Then, with the use of a brush, the mixture is transfered to any mediums like canvas, woods, portraits or even leather to create a lovely image. Actually, the people in Egypt (Egyptians) were the earlier group who adapted this kind of art that was very useful in their manuscripts and hieroglyphics. Watercolor has a continuous story and it is considered as an excellent art form since the Renaissance. The first thing he will do is to prepare the materials like water, a variety of paints and an absorbent paper. A lot of color is being used that give emphasis to the subject whatever the background is. Hence, let's know more about it and discuss its properties that are ideal in any painting. However, watercolor portrait painting is loved my many artist because they can create a lovely and colorful product after the painting session. Because it has a strong root in European era, a lot of traditional and modern artists opt to use it for a great portrait painting