The holiday season is here and whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or simply "the season," what most women have in common during this time of year is stress with a capital S. Have fun. If an item doesn't add to your holiday spirit, scratch it off. Get clear about what you really want to do over the holidays before compromising with others. Consider what do the holidays mean to you? For many, it’s about family and friends and spirituality. Remember to play. Share special time with the children or other family members. People may be more willing to help out than you expect; they just need some guidance from you on what to do.The holidays is a time to pause, reflect, and enjoy sponge wash scourer scrubber the simple blessings of the season giving everyone an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends, to capture its joy, to experience its peace and comfort and to wonder at the sights and sounds of the holidays. 2.4. Do those things that nurture you and help keep stress at bay: eat healthfully, exercise, drink lots of water, schedule time for relaxation. If you don’t have a clear plan and clear intentions, you might find yourself getting swept along by others’ desires.It really is the thought that counts.It’s no wonder with all the events, activities and family gatherings going on. Make conscious decisions. It doesn't have to cost a lot. Say no when you want to.7. Conflicting family expectations and demands can create guilt and resentment.6. Make a phone call or write a note and share your feelings. If you can’t avoid certain events, limit the time you’re there.Get your gift package here. This will give you more time to say "yes" to events that you do want to attend. When faced with options, choose the one that would make you happier. Preparing for the holidays can be shared with others. It’s very liberating and magical too. Plus the credit cards are adding up and you've got more chores than you can shake a stick at and your "to do" list is longer than Santa's beard!Well have no worries ladies, I've got the solution. If family gatherings cause tension and anxiety, consider alternatives that can lessen the effects. If you have a hard time being around your relatives, it's okay to set limits on your time at events and visits. Consider alternatives to family gatherings. Focus instead on the traditions that make holidays special for you. Prioritize and make lists and set aside specific times to accomplish certain tasks.5. 20th. Ask for help and be specific. Let your best be good enough and let go of the added pressure on yourself to create the perfect holiday for your family. Even if you compromise later, get clear first. It sounds simple, but too often obligation trumps desire. Go there often. You can show love and caring with any gift that is meaningful and personal.8. Find a place to be quiet and restful.Simply follow these 8 Ways to Have the Best Holidays Ever and watch stress disappear and be replaced with holiday joy and cheer. Give yourself a break. There’s also the kids being out of school, house guests that may be coming, and perhaps even planning a trip. Shorten your to-do list. Give something personal. The more specific you are in your request, the more successful you’ll be..One other way to have the best holiday ever is to get your Holiday Stress Relief Magic Gift Package now extended for a few extra days until Dec. Take good care of yourself.And remember that just because it's a holiday, family problems don't go away. And let’s not forget to mention shopping for gifts, sending greeting cards and decorating the house. Or use words instead of an expensive gift to let people know how important they are to you. Avoid any last minute surprises or disappointments. Family gatherings may be complex given blended families and special holiday arrangements. Limit obligatory activities.3. It’s more fun to do things together—from decorating the house to wrapping presents to preparing the holiday meal.1. Take a walk and breathe in the fresh air. Make a plan for both your time and money--and stick to it.It's okay to say "no" to events that aren't important to you. Make plans well enough in advance so you can discuss them with others involved