So, the result of tests for mercury in many autistic children often shows up negative, even if the child is loaded with mercury in storage..? The CA form is generally non allergenic.? If you measure the blood, you get a measurement of what it was when the sample was taken, and that may be very different a few hours later.? Since the ratios of these toxic minerals are measured against the ?regular? needed minerals, If there is little or no chelating agent in the blood stream, the brain will not release those toxic minerals from storage. If you want to test your mineral status, and particularly your toxic mineral status, start loading up on vitamin C for at least a few days prior to either a blood or urine test, and a couple of months before a hair analysis. One last point about vitamin C. The bloodstream deposits the minerals into those cells.? A 24 hour collection is much more accurate.? Supplementation of glutathione doesn?t seem to be very effective, and most MD?s don?t even know about vitamin C as a chelator.? Hair is a perfect biopsy material.? If this is the case, you will have to use Calcium Ascorbate instead of plain Ascorbic Acid.? If anyone has allergic reactions to multiple vitamins, it?s often because of corn allergy, and it?s ?unknown? as such to the person.? The usual testing for mineral toxicity just isn?t accurate enough for these children.? This pre-loading allows the release of any toxic minerals from storage into the bloodstream and subsequent excretion? It doesn't spoil, and can be shipped across country in a simple envelope.Because all minerals are excreted thru urine, a sample there is slightly better, although it also can vary widely.This, in my opinion is part of the controversy about mercury in vaccines China Wholesale Vitamin D3 Powder Company causing autism. I recommend using it instead of by-pass surgery.? There are many people in the US who are allergic to corn. It is made from corn sugar (dextrose).This method is pretty accurate, but there's a confusion factor.? In autistic children, the levels of vitamin C and glutathione (natural chelators) are often found very low. Another excretion route for minerals is the hair and fingernails.Mineral Measurement:? There are several ways to measure all the minerals, but none are very accurate.? There is a huge difference between the minerals that are needed in the body, and toxic minerals.? The minerals that are toxic are recognized and are very quickly taken out of the bloodstream by the liver and stored in various places in the attempt to keep them out of the brain where they may cause actual brain damage