The advantages of the dental turbine unit are its simple and robust structure, the lower purchase price and also the lighter weight. However, over the years the detrimental effect on the operator's hearing due to the high-frequency sounds emitted by the turbine has become a significant problem. Electric motors, in contrast, are quieter and cause less hearing damage than turbines. When the quantity of tooth substance removed per unit of time is considered, it is clear that electric motors with water cooling are superior to turbines for grinding. With the continuing development of motors in recent years, manufacturers have clearly acknowledged that the ergonomics of the weight and size of dental handpieces plays a decisive role in purchasing decisions. The reduction in weight and size is very obvious compared to instruments manufactured in the last three to five years. It is not uncommon to see weights reduced by up to 30% and sizes by as much as 15%. This advance is due to the reduction of the ISO fitting on the motors. Note that “shortened contra-angle 1:5 handpieces” can only be used on motors with a reduced E-fitting. Even with the general trend to weight reduction, turbines are still smaller and lighter than contra-angle handpiece systems power by electric motors.