The term tote bag may remind many sportsmen of girls’ bags, but in fact, there are also many men’s tote bags, which are a bit like canvas bags, with two straps connected to one bag. Different from the travel handbag, the tote bag is flat and rectangular in overall appearance, and it is light and easy to carry when going out. It is not too large and inconvenient. The material is mostly canvas or Mainly cowhide. The men's tote bag has a masculine atmosphere and is more suitable for men in design or material. The large capacity can hold many sundries you need. It is recommended to choose a darker and lower-key style, it is best to match the texture and color of the suit so that it will not be too abrupt. Backpacks are mostly business people who avoid them, thinking that they are not suitable for wearing formal wear, but in fact, they can be perfectly matched with your suit, and the focus is on the choice of material and color. You can choose a leather Men's business backpack, which is more suitable for suits than canvas, nylon, and other materials. Leather can set off your gentleman's taste, looks more textured, and exudes extraordinary masculine charm. In terms of color, it is recommended to choose a darker and low-key color or brown leather, so that the bag will not appear too high-key, and can add a lot of points to your style. And when you don’t want to carry it on your shoulders, you can also hold it in your hand, which also has a different gentleman effect.