But, extreme pain in the lower back can last from minutes to hours, and days as well. As far as the causes are concerned, nerve irritation, lumbar radiculopathy, lumbar strain, bony encroachment, and conditions of the joints & bone can be counted among the common ones.The preferred choice of chiropractors, fitness experts, and athletes, back massage foam rollers would help you finally experience relief from all the suffering. The horrible pain in the lower back can be caused by different conditions, which affect discs between the vertebrae, bony lumbar spine, muscles of the lower back, in addition to spinal cord & nerves, internal organs of the pelvis & abdomen, and skin that covers the lumbar area.Want To Buy Lower Back Pain Relief Products? Read This What an awful pain it is! Whether you are sitting on a chair or lying down to take some rest, it leaves you still in that certain position. Now that you know about this brilliant product, don’t waste any more time and place your order today itself!The author is an avid writer. Specifically designed for spinal rehab and preventative maintenance, foam rollers are excellent for back comfort, spinal disc decompression, foam manufacturers vertebrae alignment, direct myofascial release, deep tissue massage, and strengthening of the core. Ideal for back massage, these rollers can become an integral part of exercising as well. Quite simple to use, foam rollers are innovatively designed products that work wonders in comforting the spine and massaging the back in the most effective manner. In this article, he has discussed foam rollers, one of the best lower back pain relief products. Have you been tolerating lower back pain from a very long time? Has the search for lower back pain relief products or body massage products failed to offer you with something effective? If so, foam rollers can be of immense benefit for you. When it comes to the symptoms, a stabbing or shooting sensation is more than enough to make a person understand that he or she won’t be able to move or stand up straight for the next few minutes. Yes, you guessed it right! It is the pain in the lower back that often leaves individuals, incapable of moving and screaming in pain. One of the most common health conditions that deprive an individual of his or her comfort, lower back pain is quite intense. So, if you want to put an end to severe back pain that has become a part of your life, get hands on this product without any delay. One can carry out exercises of the lower back, upper back, hamstring, latissimus dorsi muscle, calves, iliotibial tract, quadriceps, and myofascial points as well