Making certain that your brakes are working correctly is important. When something changes, it is important to consider the change to see if it is something that is serious. If you feel like your brakes are squishy or something like this, then you will want to look into brake repair to see what the problem is. There are a few possibilities that could be the problem. It could be the brake line, air in the brakes, faulty calipers, or a problem with wheel or main cylinders. The brake lines on your vehicle are very important. If you feel that your brakes are squishy when you press on the pedal, the lines could be your problem. Something that can affect the lines is rust. Rust can cause there to be holes in the line therefore reducing hydraulic pressure and making your brakes feel squishy. This is one reason why your pedal could feel this way.Air in the line is another reason why you might find your brakes feeling this way. A mechanic will bleed your brakes getting rid of the air in the line if this is your problem. A faulty caliper is another possible reason for this symptom of squishy brakes. If your calipers corrode on the inside then it could cause your vehicle to leak fluid from the piston. Your mechanic should be able to tell you whether this is your problem or not, and they should be able to fix it if it is.Wheel cylinders are in drum brakes which are often found as the rear brakes in many vehicles today. Corrosion can take place and like faulty calipers, the pistons in these can also leak fluid if there is corrosion which will cause the hydraulics not to work correctly.If your master cylinder is not working well then it can affect the calipers and wheel cylinders because the fluid will leak. This part of your vehicle is at the center of the system, and a problem with this can be another reason why your brakes might feel strange under your foot. You might feel silly telling someone who knows a great deal about cars that your brakes feel squishy, but a mechanic should know what you mean. They will likely check into all of the above possibilities to make sure that they find the problem. Your brakes are not something to mess with. If you feel like something is not right, then it might not be. Do not let a fear of what someone might think keep you from having your vehicle running correctly or from keeping you and others on the road with you safe.If you do not have a mechanic and your vehicle is having this symptom, then you will want to go on the internet or ask around for a mechanic that does brake repair. If you find the mechanic online then you might be wise to also look for reviews about the company online as well so that you will hopefully not end up with a dishonest or unreliable brake repair mechanic.