The age group can be from 12 on up.Come and visit the Nutri(Very reasonably priced for anyone on a budget.You may also be required to sign a one-year contract. Gender and Age Group: Ladies only. A day off between workouts is not necessary with Resistance Training as it is with other exercise programs.ladiesworkoutexpress. Time Needed: Usually starts at 3 workouts per week, and expands from there. A visit to the club would be necessary to determine the right program for the individual nutricounter.Thanks to Maggie Beesley owner of the Southampton, PA branch.They give each member a very thorough orientation on each piece of equipment and are Sae 37°Flare Fittings Wholesale Manufacturers always watching the members as they exercise. Each workout encompasses 30 minutes per session, with a 5-minute warm up prior to working out and another 5-minute stretch at the end of the session. Motivation: Offers different workout programs on a daily basis, moving equipment around, personal service, and goal setting. Fitness Strategies: Aerobic, Strength Training, Flexibility Risk of Injury: There is no risk of injury as long as the member follows instructions.Goals of the Members: Weight loss, body toning, friendship, Doctor's orders for various health problems which some include depression, osteoporosis, diabetes, rehabilitation, and menopause. However, generally it ranges from $29 - $35 per month with about $60 in up front one that is nearest to your home. Nutritional Information: The staff are not certified nutritionists. Some members workout 5 to 6 times a for more fitness center reviews