Why Native American children have higher rates of disabilityThe rates of disability among U.S. children are increasing, with the highest rate of disability among Native American children, according to a newly released brief by the U.S. Census Bureau.More than 3 million children in the U.S. had a disability in 2019, slightly up from data collected more than a decade ago.But a disproportionate number of Native American children (5.9%) had a disability, followed by children of more than one race (5.2%) and Black children (5.1%). Household income also appeared to play a role, with 6.5% of children living below the poverty line having a disability, as compared to 3.8% of children living in families with incomes above the poverty threshold.#Native American children#American Indian#RacialDiscriminationhttps://abcnews.go.com/Health/native-american-children-higher-rates-disability/story?id=76841563