今次很高興受到香港品牌邀請,參加【豐澤x屈臣氏】之「聖誕扮靚工作坊」,與一眾Bloggers學習最新聖誕妝容及髪型指導。有國際品牌Jean Louis David、Glycel及Talika美容導師教導set頭同埋妝前保養,仲有屈臣氏專業彩妝師ColourBEAUders – Mil親身指導聖誕party妝技巧,輕鬆打扮美美的去聖誕party! I am glad to be invited by one of the Hong Kong brands to participate in the "Christmas Dress Up Workshop" of Fortress x Watsons and learn the latest Christmas makeup skills and hairstyle guides with a group of Bloggers. Beauty instructors from international brands such as Jean Louis David, Glycel and Talika, to teach hairstyling skills and to pre-makeup skills. Furthermore, ColourBEAUders, Watson's professional make-up artist – Mil, personally showed us the Christmas party makeup skills, to comfortable dress beautiful easily in Christmas party. 點擊圖片放大 +3 Email: nanacuuk@gmail.com My Blog: www.SerenaChuk.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/SerenaChuk Facebook: www.facebook.com/Sirwina